Land & Sea Prime Rib Burger

Land and Sea Prime Rib Burger

This burger travels from land and sea to bring a decadent masterpiece. Enjoy this recipe as part of our Lent collection.

Menu Part


1 Each Gourmet Lobster & Seafood Cake (Item# 057921)
1 Each 5 Ounce Prime Rib Burger
2 Each Mac & Cheese Patties
1 Each Baby Bibb Lettuce, Leaf
2 Each Tomato, Slices
2 Each Muenster Cheese, Slices
2 Ounces Remoulade Sauce


  1. Grill burger to desired temp.
  2. Sauté lobster cake to 165°F internal temperature.
  3. Fry mac & cheese patties and assemble burger.

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