Crispy Krabbycake Salad With Green Goddess Dressing

All these flavorful greens plus Green Goddess are crying out for some brown. So add a delicious savory touch with a couple of crispy Panko coated, easy-prep Krabbycakes®.

Menu Part


2 Each Breaded Krabbycakes® 3 oz. (Item# 073550)
1/2 Head Bibb Lettuce, Chopped
1/4 Head Romaine Lettuce, Chopped
1/8 Cup Dill, Fresh, Rough Chopped
1/8 Cup Cilantro, Fresh, Leaves
1/4 Each Avocado, Sliced
1/4 Each Cucumber, European, Sliced
3 Each Tomato Medley, Halved
2 Ounces Feta Cheese, Diced
2 Ounces Green Goddess Dressing
1 Each Lemon, Fresh, Wedge


  1. Cook the Krabbycakes according to package instructions to 165°F internal temperature.
  2. Arrange the salad on the plate and drizzle with green goddess dressing.
  3. Top with warm Krabbycakes.

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