Banzai King & Prince® Lobster Sensations® Lobster Roll

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2 Pounds Lobster Sensations® (Item# 004610)
2 Cups Tempura Batter Mix
2 Cups Ice Water
1 Pound Pico De Gallo
8 Ounces Wasabi Sauce
8 Each Brioche Hot Dog Buns
8 Ounces Shredded Lettuce


  1. Take thawed King & Prince® Lobster Sensations®, separate into 4 ounce portions.
  2. Prepare the tempura batter mix according to package instructions.
  3. Toast brioche hot dog buns on griddle, set aside.
  4. Batter King & Prince® Lobster Sensations® portions in tempura batter mix.
  5. Deep fry King & Prince® Lobster Sensations® portions.
  6. Spread 1 ounce wasabi sauce onto brioche hot dog buns.
  7. Arrange fried King & Prince® Lobster Sensations® portions into brioche hot dog buns.
  8. Dress with 1 ounce shredded lettuce and 2 ounces pico de gallo.
  9. Serve immediately.

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